At the onset of the pandemic lockdown, I was blessed with a lot of free time since activity options out and about in NYC shrunk to nothing in one fateful weekend. I decided to take online classes on Search Engine Optimization to broaden my digital marketing skillset and consulting practice. I learn best when I’m implementing a real project, and I’ve had great experiences consulting with non-profit organizations such as Net Impact and others.
In March of 2020, for a new perspective, I sought out Taproot, an online matchmaker between non-profits, consultants and professionals, where I connected with the Patrick’s Kids Foundation (PKF) who were in need of a SEO and digital marketing strategist. PKF heartily welcomed me onto their team.
It was clear from the very beginning that PKF is a well run family organization with distinct and productive goals. Their mission statement is to leverage technology and partnerships in the community to assist talented Haitian children and adults obtain a quality education in effort to become catalysts of change.
In collaboration with PKF, I designed a digital marketing strategy and optimized their blogs for compelling messages and SEO. I witnessed the fruits of my labor when their blog posts ranked in Google’s first page search results for important long-tail keywords. I find that when one spends time in volunteerism, one most assuredly receives more in return than what has been given.
As I coached the founders on their blog content strategy, I learned more of PKF’s detailed plans, initiatives, and of the specific Haitian young leaders’ lives being impacted by the foundation.
In reading Riodin Maquingson’s blog about PKF’s generous scholarship and the profound impact his very first day at college made on him, I was moved deeply. It brought to mind the extreme value of investing in the community’s youth, the future leaders of tomorrow, who so desperately need scholarships to move forward confidently and securely in life. I feel passionately about this for I too benefited in the very same manner. As the leaders of PFK are inspiring their young Haitian Scholars to create community based service programs, we are all being inspired by the Scholars’ commitment to academics and excelling in life.
Such energy was palpable the entire time I volunteered with PKF. It is why I wholeheartedly recommend collaborating with them. Undoubtedly, you will feel an important part of something bigger than yourself, if you’re willing to put forth the effort.
I find that when one spends time in volunteerism, one most assuredly receives more in return than what has been given.
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