Within these past five years, we, the founders of the Patrick’s Kids Foundation (PKF), have truly been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from family and friends to our beloved Foundation. With your assistance, we have made tremendous strides in our efforts to provide access to quality education to the most vulnerable, disadvantaged young people of Haiti.
A very sincere thank you to all who have been involved in helping PKF with its vision of a Haiti where every student has access to a good education. God has faithfully used our supporters’ prayers, financial contributions and countless acts of kindness to sustain PKF’s Scholars in their individual efforts to meet with success. PKF has been a tremendous blessing to many deserving youths. Thank you for joining our ranks to support our ambitious vision of a better Haiti.
We will continue to endeavor to bring about a Haiti where access to a good education is a reality for all. We will continue to strive to bring about a Haiti where the masses are empowered, where leadership is developed, and where the people are free from corruption. In collaboration with local government, visionary organizations, partner schools, and the Fond-des-Blancs community, we have created quite an impact. PKF has worked with community leaders to transform the lives of many students, and yes, this is only the beginning. There is still so much more to achieve with God’s grace and your continued support. We humbly stand before you and take up the task.
Our Accomplishments - Our Impact
It’s been another inspiring year of great achievements. Your generosity has directly impacted the quality of life of children and young adults in Haiti. Your support has helped our Scholars gain access to quality education. Truly, your support continues to provide hope to so many despairing students throughout Haiti.
Thus, the Foundation is exceedingly proud to share its 2022 Impact Report:
The Summer Internship Program was launched for the third consecutive year.In collaboration with Haiti Projects (HP) haitiprojects.org/ and Health Equity International (HEI) healthequityintl.org/ (formerly the Saint Boniface Hospital),the Foundationprovided summer internship opportunities to deserving youths in Fond-des-Blancs.Please visit our website, Patrick's Kids Foundation patrickskids.org/hhm-landing-page, to read more amazing stories about our interns.

In our efforts to empower our students to become change agents in their community, PKF continues to partner with Haiti Projects to host community service projects in Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti. The events went exceptionally well! More importantly, the events gave our Scholars, and other young adults, a hands-on opportunity to further develop leadership skills and engage in community service.

PKF operationalized Project Light Up the Classroom in Haiti (PLUCH). PLUCH is part of the Foundation’s mission to leverage technology to close the education gap between Haiti and developed nations. Members of PFK spearheaded opening a solar-powered computer lab at its partner school Ecole Assembleé de Dieu in Franchipagne an isolated rural school in Haiti and officially launch a comprehensive computer class. We are so happy and proud to be involved in the process of improving students computer literacy.

Through the Patrick’s Kids Foundation University Preparatory Pro gram (PKF UPP) five Scholars were sponsored in their college and university pursuits. In particular, Scholar Wilkin Lafrance, achieved the top academic position out of 420 students, with an impressive average of 96.50 at the University Public Du Sud Aux Cayes, Haiti.
Program participants increased to include 20 scholars, 29 developmental cohorts and 11 PKF UPP Scholars.
Total education costs of PKF Scholars in Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti meet and fulfilled. Investment in the holistic development of students was meet as well.

The PKF National Proficiency Exam Preparatory Program was launched to include ten 9th graders taking the National Proficiency Exam where nine of the ten received scores required to graduate from the fundamental school and continue to the next level of education in Haiti. Their success is indicative of the overall effectiveness of the program.

The Reading Challenge activity was launched. This reading initiative is a student driven program designed to promote literacy and educational achievement among all Scholars.
The PKF’s Summer Education Enrichment Program (EEP) was held. The program is designed to provide students with an opportunity to close learning gaps, explore new subjects, learn new skills, develop skills needed to transition from elementary school to middle school and from middle school to high school.

The Information Technology Course is continually being developed for PKF Scholars as an effective means of helping students better connect to the international community.

The 2022 Year End Recognition and Celebration ended on a high note, featuring guest speakers, music, dinner, games, awards and holiday gifts. As usual, a great experience by all in attendance was evident.

Please visit https://www.patrickskids.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/patrickskids/ to learn about development opportunities for deserving children and young adults in Haiti.
Thank you once again for partnering with PKF and co-investing in the lives of these amazing children.
TOGETHER, PKF can and will help effectuate positive change in Haiti...one precious child at a time!!!