I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to all Patrick's Kids Foundation members for the invaluable scholarship support I received.
As I commit these words to paper, I am reminded of a creature perched atop a mountain, hearing the echoes of its melodious voice reverberate in the valleys below. This sentiment perfectly encapsulates the depth of my gratitude to the Patrick's Kids Foundation University Preparatory Program. The impact PKF UPP has had on my life cannot be overstated. In 2021, my academic dreams were on the verge of being drowned by a sea of uncertainty, and forthcoming assistance was as rare as an endangered species. At this point, PKF extended a much-needed helping hand without hesitation. Even more remarkable is that PKF financed my university education and provided accommodations, meals, and expenses. How could one be anything else but overwhelmed with extreme gratitude? I cannot overstate my heartfelt thanks to PKF for addressing these pressing challenges in my life. Without PKF support, I might have been counted among those who perceive themselves as failures in this world. Thanks to PKF's financial assistance, I am now finding my place within society. I am confident that one day, I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder among the world's most prominent success stories. My gratitude for PKF is endless, and I am dedicated to faithfully fulfilling all tasks associated with PKF's development.
May Patrick's Kids Foundation be blessed with future opportunities for project funding as it endeavors to level the playing field for deserving, underprivileged scholars of Haiti who strive to be contributing members in an ever-changing technological and global world. May God continue to bless Mr. Fritz Jacques with love, joy, peace, and continued faith. Mr. Jacques is a tireless volunteer who embodies philanthropy and stands tall as a fighting champion for the disenfranchised. May the good Lord continue to enable Mr. Jacques, as the fearless, patient, kind, and gentle leader he has become, to execute his extraordinarily important duties as the foundation's CEO. Long live PKF, truly a Proud Legacy of Love and Service! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.