University Preparatory Program
The completion of the two year program at the Centre Polyvalent et de Formation Professionnelle de Carrefour (CPFP-C) is indeed a great achievement for me. Each person in this life should set his or her own individual goal. My goal of becoming a professional plumber and a useful individual in society is now within my grasp. Initially, I was confronted with many, seemingly insurmountable challenges in my efforts to gain admittance to a training institution such as CPFP-C. I required much assistance from the Patrick’s Kids Foundation just to meet basic financial obligations. The invaluable support supplied by PFK made my dream an obtainable reality. In 2018, I was fortunate enough to meet with members of the PKF staff and almost immediately, a true friendship ensued. In the following year, I was offered a much needed scholarship that I can only regard as, “A great gift from God.” After following all the regulations of PKF, the administrators graciously reimbursed all fees required by CPFP-C. What a tremendous blessing!
The purposeful PKF University Preparatory Program (PKFUPP) meetings were of great value to me. Among the participants, there were true motivators, natural counselors and born leaders. The PKF “Scholars,” all from similar backgrounds, all with vastly different objectives, and yet, all with common expectations, excelled in their studies, obtained their diplomas, and now look forward to leading successful lives. I am extremely proud to be counted among them. All PKF facilitators desire is that their students obtain their desired goals. Whenever a student falls prey to despair, depression, or dismay, we support, we motivate, and we encourage. As scholars, we make every effort to uplift that individual as a valued member of our united family. In the future, there will undoubtedly be many young people unable to enter institutions of higher education due to a myriad of difficulties. Just as PKF has generously done in the past, in the future I hope to assist those who come after me achieve their dreams.
To the administrators and all members of the PKFUPP staff, I thank you sincerely for your lifesaving support. Without you, your scholars, in many cases, would not have the opportunity to realize their dreams. May God in His infinite love shower you with His richest blessings as you continue tirelessly in this benevolent work.
Sincerely Yours, Jonathan Jolicoeur
